This is an archived listing.

Lincoln Square / Ravenswood

Studio V Design (Krause Music Store)

4611 N. Lincoln Ave.


The Krause Music Store was architect Louis Sullivan’s final project. Today, it is home to Studio V Design, a firm that specializes in integrated marketing communications and brand design. The green terra-cotta facade, with its elaborate plant forms and geometric patterns, is one of Chicago's most recognizable storefronts. After decades as a funeral parlor and then a store, the building was purchased in 2005 by Studio V Design. The new owners, Peter and Pooja Vukosavich, embarked on an extensive restoration and renovation project with Wheeler Kearns Architects. Starting with an interior that was essentially a blank slate, the architects transformed it into an elegant, flowing office—culminating in a private zen garden at the rear.


Louis Sullivan, 1922