This is an archived listing.

Lincoln Square / Ravenswood

Studio V Design

4611 N. Lincoln Ave.


The Krause Music Store was architect Louis Sullivan’s final project. Today, it is home to Studio V Design, a firm that specializes in integrated marketing communications and brand design. The green terra-cotta facade, with its elaborate plant forms and geometric patterns, is one of Chicago's most recognizable storefronts. After decades as a funeral parlor and later a store, Peter and Pooja Vukosavich purchased the building in 2005 and embarked on an extensive renovation with Wheeler Kearns Architects, which won several awards. The architects transformed the interior into a contemporary, light-filled office space, culminating in a peaceful Zen garden in the back. Listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, the building is now for sale to the next caretaker of this extraordinary piece of history.


Louis Sullivan