This is an archived listing.


Walt Disney House & Birthplace

2156 N. Tripp Ave.


A carpenter with a growing family, Elias Disney decided to build a home and put down roots in Chicago. He purchased property on the southwest corner of Tripp Avenue and Palmer Street on October 31, 1891. A year later, Elias obtained a permit to build a two-story wood cottage for $800. Flora, Walt's mother, drew up the architectural plans and Elias built the house. The Disneys settled into their new home with their two sons, Herbert and Raymond. Shortly thereafter, they welcomed a third son, Roy. Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901, on the second floor. The family sold the home in 1906 and moved to Marceline, Missouri. In 1991, Chicago attempted to designate the property as a historical landmark, but the owner fought the designation and won, putting the home at risk of demolition. Today, new owners are working with the City to protect the home and restore it to its 1901 state.