Beverly / Morgan Park
Beverly and neighboring Morgan Park were greatly impacted by the addition of the Rock Island & Pacific Railroad line. Beverly Hills station opened at 91st Street in 1889, and the community north of 107th Street along the Blue Island Ridge eventually took the name Beverly. Morgan Park, meanwhile, stretches from 107th Street south to 119th Street.
The area's biggest residential boom took place in the 1920s and many large Revival-style homes from the period remain, built on deep wooded lots atop rolling hills. Other factors that drove growth included the founding of the Morgan Park Military Academy in 1873, the Chicago Female College in 1875 and the Baptist Union Theological Seminary in 1877.
95th Street was established as—and remains—an important commercial artery for Beverly, and Western Avenue brings many shops and services to both communities. Other businesses are clustered every few blocks around the train stations. While Beverly was annexed to Chicago in 1890 and Morgan Park in 1914, both neighborhoods have retained their small town character.
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Landmark District
Longwood Drive Landmark District
S. Longwood Drive & W. 89th Street
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